Limbo of the Lost Wiki

Voice acting in Limbo of the Lost is one of the few things that are, for the most part, not plagiarized. However, the game contains some instances of voice clips that were lifted straight from other games, which are listed below.

Laurence Francis and Tim Croucher are the only people who are credited as having provided voice acting for the game. It is not known which characters were voiced by Tim Croucher. Laurence Francis's voice acting page states that he provided the voices for: Benjamin Spooner Briggs, O'Negus, Worrymeister, Stone Guardian, Arach, Nilmates, and also Fate and Destiny (during the ending, specifically). He also appears to have voiced the Janitor.

No information is available on who provided the voices for the other characters. Given that there are female voice actors in the game, there is a possibility that Lisa Highsted and Heather Banks provided their voices too.

Clive Barker's Undying[]

Horsemen Laugh[]

After being the final puzzle in LOTL, "C_DSaint_Amb2.wav" from Clive Barker's Undying can be heard. It is a sound made by Decayed Saint enemies.

Jailor's Laugh[]

During the Chapter 3 cutscene where Briggs is thrown in prison, "C_Kies_Laugh1.wav" from Clive Barker's Undying can be heard.

Heretic 2[]

Two-Headed Raven[]

In Chapter 1, there is a two-headed raven who keeps spouting the following voicelines:

  • "Eat his flesh!"
  • "You're gonna die!", two variants
  • "I get his liver!"
  • "Flesh!"

These voicelines were lifted from Heretic 2. They are random lines spoken by enemies in the first level, and have identical filenames: "eatfleshk.wav", "fleshmrj.wav", "gonnadiem.wav", "gonnadiemrj.wav" and "liverm.wav".


In Chapter 5, we need to place door knockers on heads representing sins, and every time we do, a different laugh is heard. For both Greed and Lust, "laugh4.wav" from Heretic 2 is used, which is a sound the final boss makes (see here at 3:35:45).

Return to Castle Wolfenstein[]


During the cutscene from Chapter 2 where Briggs uses a torture device to blind the Worrymeister, the screaming is a stock sound effect that RTCW uses when a human enemy is burned with a flamethrower. It has an identical filename: "flame_scream3.wav".


When standing next to the Innkeeper in Chapter 3, he makes a whistling noise that is the "misc_whistle.wav" sound played during the cutscene at the start of RTCW's second mission (see here at 00:53:30).


During the cutscene from Chapter 3 where Briggs is captured and put in prison, the grunting noise that the Blacksmith makes appears to be part of the "Nada2.wav" voiceline from RTCW.


Fate and Destiny[]

During the intro at the start of the game, Destiny and Fate say the following:

  • "There is a strange presence, a living presence... why, it's a mortal! A lone warrior." (wraith001.ogg)
  • "The dead do not welcome the presence of the living. You remind them of all they have lost." (wraith002.ogg)

Both of these lines were lifted from Rune: "hscript10_01.WAV" and "hscript10_05.WAV". They are the disembodied voice that speaks to Ragnar during his journey through Hel (see here at 00:48:00 and 01:45:42).

Sin Heads[]

In Chapter 5, we need to place door knockers on heads representing sins, and every time we do, a different laugh is heard. All of them have the same filenames as in Rune: "laugh01.WAV", "laugh02.WAV", "laugh06.WAV", "laugh14.WAV", "laugh16.WAV". They are sounds Loki makes when traversing his dungeon.

"Laugh14.WAV" is present in LOTL's files, but doesn't seem to be actually used:

Tortured Screams[]

While walking through corridors at the start of the Prologue, there are some ambient noises containing ghostly screams. These are lifted from Rune, originally "torturefar01.WAV" and "torturefar05.WAV", and were combined into one sound effect "wcavelowscreamsFX.ogg" that includes also the infamous "JOIN US, JOIN US, JOIN US NOW" from Thief. In Rune, these screams are heard in some areas of Hel.

Raven's Screams[]

When Briggs shoots at the two-headed raven in Chapter 1, the raven's pained screams are lifted from Rune, originally "raghit06.WAV" and "raghit09.WAV", renamed to "ravenhit.wav" and "ravenhit2.wav". In Rune, these are random noises played when the player character, Ragnar, takes damage.

Thief 1 (a.k.a. Thief: The Dark Project)[]

While walking through corridors at the start of the Prologue, there are some ambient noises containing ghostly voices. These were lifted from Thief, and are all voicelines that the Haunts enemies randomly make, most notably the infamous "JOIN US, JOIN US, JOIN US NOW". The original files are "hh1a1__4.wav", "hh1a1__6.wav", "hh1a3__2.wav" and "hh1a3__3.wav". These sounds are stored in the Thief game's file SND.CRF, and can be extracted the same way as from a ZIP file.

It has been suggested that the "Join us" sound bite originates from Dungeon Keeper, but that is not the case. The Scavenger Room in Dungeon Keeper had the lines "Join us, come with us, we will give you great strength."

Thief 2: The Metal Age[]


At the start of Chapter 2, we meet the Keeper of Lost Souls again. Before we begin the conversation with him, he stands there coughing repeatedly. The coughing noises were lifted from Thief 2's guards, and have identical filenames: "sg3a0co4.wav" and "sg3a0co6.wav".


In Chapter 5, we need to place door knockers on heads representing sins, and every time we do, a different laugh is heard. For Pride, "laugh3.wav" from Thief 2 is used.

The Wheel of Time[]

Horsemen of the Apocalypse[]

At the start of the final puzzle of Chapter 5, Briggs is confronted by the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, who keep spouting seemingly random statements. All of these are voicelines of Myrddraal. A grand total of 11 voicelines are present in LOTL's files, even though only 5 are actually used.


Filenames in WoT: 40.wav, 39.wav, 29.wav, 25.wav, 33.wav, 41.wav, 43.wav, Acquired1.wav, OrderKillIntruder1.wav, Breath1.wav and DieHard1.wav.

Briggs's Scream[]

At the end of Chapter 1, Briggs is tossed by a troll. The scream he makes is the "HitHard2.wav" voiceline of White Cloaks from The Wheel of Time.


Limbo of the Lost - All Cleaner Troll Cutscenes