Limbo of the Lost uses a wide selection of sound effects taken other sources, primarily video games. In many cases, these sound effects appear to be ripped straight from those games and used verbatim, even retaining the original filenames.
Please note that we have separate articles for Music and Voice Acting.
Clive Barker's Undying[]
Limbo of the Lost | Clive Barker's Undying | Notes |
A04_AstralVoid1.WAV, C_King_WhooshHvy01.wav, E_Wpn_ScyEnergy01.WAV and E09_HeartBeat01.WAV |
A04_AstralVoid1.WAV, C_King_WhooshHvy01.wav, E_Wpn_ScyEnergy01.WAV and E09_HeartBeat01.WAV |
In LOTL, these sounds are used for the idle sound of the Ouija Board, for highlighting one of the letters, and for the idle sounds when highlighting the Look and Action interactions. |
stoneL.wav and stoneR.wav |
C_HeelFS_StoneL02.wav and C_HeelFS_StoneR01.wav |
Generic footstep sounds on stone. |
skellyBoneL.wav and skellyBoneR.wav |
C_BoneFS_StoneL01.wav and C_BoneFS_StoneR01.wav |
In CBU, it's footsteps of skeletons. |
fire shot.wav, fire shot 2.wav, Rico01.wav, Rico02.wav and Rico03.wav |
A07_DartShot1.WAV, A07_DartShot2.WAV, E_Wpn_RevHitRico01.wav, E_Wpn_RevHitRico02.wav and E_Wpn_RevHitRico03.wav |
In LOTL, it's the sounds of Briggs shooting the slingshot, and the random bullet sounds as the raven gets hit by the eyeball. |
A14_HowlerCall03.wav |
A14_HowlerCall03.wav |
In CBU, this is a howl of Howlers that can be heard in some areas. |
C_AxeHitGnt01.wav |
In CBU, this is a sound of the Ambrose boss hitting the ground with his axe. |
(baked into the cutscene) |
C_Shade_Idle02.wav and C_Shade_Taunt01.wav |
In CBU, it's sounds of specific type of enemy. |
takemetal.ogg |
A04_LightRodPU.wav |
In CBU, this sound is used when picking up the lightning rod. |
takeglass.ogg |
I_GlassPU01.wav |
In CBU, this sound is used when picking up health vials. |
metaldooropen.ogg |
A01_DoorMetalOpen.wav |
Certain doors. |
wooddooropen.ogg |
A04_DoorEntrOpen.wav |
Certain doors. |
woodendooropen.wav and woodendoor slam.wav |
A01_DoorDblWdClose.wav and A01_DoorDblWdSlam.wav |
Certain doors. |
A04_ThunderCrack.ogg |
A04_ThunderCrack.WAV |
It's not certain if this sound effect is actually used in this cutscene, but it can be found in the cutscene's folder. |
A04_LightRodPlace.wav, A05_GateIronUnlock.wav and A07_PortcullisLand.wav |
A04_LightRodPlace.wav, A05_GateIronUnlock.WAV and A07_PortcullisLand.WAV |
In CBU, "A04_LightRodPlace.wav" is played when inserting the lightning rod into its designated spot. It is currently not known where the other sounds are used in CBU. |
A05_GateIronOpen.wav |
A05_GateIronOpen.WAV |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
A04_AstralCross1.WAV |
A04_AstralCross1.WAV |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
A02_Thunder01.ogg |
A02_Thunder01.wav |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
takedefault.wav |
I_PowderPU01.wav |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
takesquish.ogg |
I_WizEyePU01.wav |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
takewood.ogg |
I_DynAmmoPU01.wav |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
A01_DoorUnlatch.wav |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
C_Howl_VDeath02.wav |
C_Howl_VDeath02.wav |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
C_BFallBig_Water01.wav |
C_BFallBig_Water01.WAV |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
M02_KeyUnlock01.wav |
M02_KeyUnlock01.WAV |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
rockslide.wav |
07HvyRockDoor01.WAV |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
C_Shade_Slide01.wav and C_Shade_Slide02.wav |
C_Shade_Slide01.wav and C_Shade_Slide02.wav |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
C_Inhab_Death01.wav |
C_Inhab_Death01.wav |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
WOODGATOR001.wav |
C_Inhab_ShortVocal05.wav |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
WOODGATOR002.wav |
C_Inhab_Sleep01.wav |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
A04_DoorWdSlamDist4.wav |
A04_DoorWdSlamDist4.WAV |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
M13_DoorStone03.wav |
M13_DoorStone03.WAV |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
FX.wav |
E_GainSpell01.wav |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
A04_DoorStnSlideOpn.wav |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
A01_QuillWriting1.wav, A01_QuillWriting2.wav and A01_QuillWriting3.wav |
A01_QuillWriting1.WAV, A01_QuillWriting2.WAV and A01_QuillWriting3.WAV |
One of these appears to not actually be used, but is still present in LOTL's files. It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
A13_BoulderLand2.wav |
A13_BoulderLand2.WAV |
The sound is difficult to make out in the cutscene, but it is the sound of the rat landing on the floor. It is currently not known where this sound is used in CBU. |
A02_Thunder02.wav A02_Thunder03.wav A02_WindLp04.wav A04_ChandLand.wav A05_StoneLidSlide.wav A07_DartHitStone.wav A07_WoodOnWater1.wav A07_WoodOnWater2.wav A13_HeavyWindLoop6.ogg male ghost1.ogg male ghost2.ogg maleghost.ogg C_Hound_Attack02.wav C_Hound_Attack03.wav C_Hound_SpecialKill01.wav C_Hound_Taunt01.wav C_Howl_ClawStab01.wav takekey.wav music01.wav |
A02_Thunder02.WAV A02_Thunder03.WAV A02_WindLp04.WAV A04_ChandLand.WAV A05_StoneLidSlide.WAV A07_DartHitStone.WAV A07_WoodOnWater1.WAV A07_WoodOnWater2.WAV A13_HeavyWindLoop6.WAV AAR_Laugh01.WAV AAR_Laugh02.WAV AAR_Laugh03.WAV C_Hound_Attack02.WAV C_Hound_Attack03.WAV C_Hound_SpecialKill01.WAV C_Hound_Taunt01.WAV C_Howl_ClawStab01.WAV I_KeyPU01.wav M_Sting03.WAV |
These are sound effects that were found in the files of both games, but their in-game usage is currently unknown (if any). |
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind[]
Limbo of the Lost | Morrowind | Notes |
swamp02.wav, swamp03.wav and watr_lake.wav |
swamp02.wav, swamp03.wav and watr_lake.wav |
In Morrowind, these sounds are used as generic ambience in swamps and near water. |
flies.wav |
flies.wav |
In Morrowind, this is a generic sound for corpses and similar things. |
Heretic II[]
Limbo of the Lost | Heretic II | Notes |
bell.wav |
bell.wav |
In Heretic 2, this bell is heard when opening one of the doors in the first level (see here at 25:46). |
shrine9.wav |
shrine9.wav |
In Heretic 2, this sound is used for activating certain shrines (see here at 1:10:32). |
(baked into the cutscenes) |
roar.wav, snort2.wav, step1.wav, step2.wav and throw.wav |
In Heretic 2, these are sounds made by the Trial Beast (see here at 2:12:25). |
waterstepl.wav and waterstepr.wav |
waterwalk1.wav and waterwalk2.wav |
In Heretic 2, these sounds are made when walking through shallow water. |
waterlap.wav |
waterlap.wav |
In Heretic 2, it's a generic ambient sound of water. |
scratch.wav |
scratch.wav |
This sound effect is layered over "paper.wav" sound effect. It is currently not known where this sound is used in Heretic 2. |
flap.wav |
flap.wav |
The wing flapping can be faintly heard during the animation. It is currently not known where this sound is used in Heretic 2. The voicelines are elaborated on in Voice Acting. |
insects1.wav and insects2.wav |
insects1.wav and insects2.wav |
These are among some of the sound effects heard in Bugsy's room. It is currently not known where this sound is used in Heretic 2. |
rocks4.wav, rocks5.wav, soliddrop1.wav, soliddrop3.wav and waterdrain.wav |
rocks4.wav, rocks5.wav, soliddrop1.wav, soliddrop3.wav and waterdrain.wav |
These are sound effects that were found in the files of both games, but their in-game usage is currently unknown (if any). |
Return to Castle Wolfenstein[]
Limbo of the Lost | Return to Castle Wolfenstein | Notes |
cageswing.wav |
squeaky sign.wav |
The sound effect in LOTL was shortened compared to the original. Originally discovered on |
use_book.ogg |
use_book.wav |
Appears to be a stock sound effect, since a similar sound is used in Morrowind for opening books. |
growl1.wav, firstsight1.wav and watr_in.ogg |
growl1.wav, firstsight1.wav and watr_in.wav |
In RTCW, the growls are random sound effects played by undead. |
growl1.wav and growl2.wav |
growl1.wav and growl2.wav |
In RTCW, these are random sound effects played by undead. |
wz_death1.wav |
wz_death1.wav |
In RTCW, this is a random death sound played by undead. In LOTL, it's used for the Soul Taker's death, and was edited to be shorter. |
opengate.wav |
door8_open.wav |
In RTCW, it's any cell door in the first level. |
(baked into the cutscene; also, SEIZURE WARNING) |
electrocute.wav |
In RTCW, this sound effect appears to be used for the operating bed in the first level, but it's only played in quick short bursts instead of looping it like in LOTL. |
lightning1.wav, lightning2.wav and lightning3.wav |
lightning1.wav, lightning2.wav and lightning3.wav |
3 of the 4 lightning sound effects in the video are from RTCW. |
carpet3.wav and carpet4.wav |
flesh3.wav and flesh4.wav |
Walking on carpets. |
gravel3.wav and gravel4.wav |
gravel3.wav and gravel4.wav |
Walking on gravel. |
snow1.wav and snow2.wav |
snow2.wav |
Walking on snow. Notably, LOTL seems to have taken this one sound effect and then edited it to create a second one, as RTCW's snow1.wav sounds completely different. |
step1.wav and step2.wav |
step1.wav and step2.wav |
In RTCW, it's walking on any stone floor. In LOTL, it's used exclusively for stone stairs. |
wood03.wav and wood04.wav |
wood2.wav and wood3.wav |
Walking on wood. |
wcavelow.ogg |
wcavelow.wav |
In RTCW, this wind noise is heard in the crypt. |
stonefall.wav |
stonefall.wav |
In RTCW, this is a sound of falling debris from the ceiling. |
knightfall.ogg |
knightfall.wav |
Seemingly unused in LOTL, but present in the files. |
jibbit.ogg, splashes.wav, and waterfall.ogg |
jibbit.wav, splashes.wav, and waterfall.wav |
These are sound effects that were found in the files of both games, but their in-game usage is currently unknown (if any). |
Limbo of the Lost | Rune | Notes |
itemmix.wav |
meaccent27.WAV |
In Rune, this sound is made by some machinery, such as a cage being lowered into lava (see 47:00). The sound appears to have been edited to be faster in LOTL. |
BEAST04.wav, beastamb15.WAV, beastyell01.WAV, beastyell09.WAV and beastyell15.WAV |
beastamb09.WAV, beastamb15.WAV, beastyell01.WAV, beastyell09.WAV and beastyell15.WAV |
In Rune, these sounds are made by a specific type of beast enemy (see 2:41:14). |
menu button.wav and menuclose.wav |
menu01.WAV and menu15.WAV |
Generic UI sounds. |
ELECFLASH.wav, rope10.WAV and rope12.WAV |
bosselec04.WAV, rope10.WAV and rope12.WAV |
In LOTL, these sounds are used for when Ouija Board is opened, and for the idle sounds when highlighting the Take interaction. |
BEAST02.wav |
attack27.WAV |
In Rune, this is one of the random dwarf attack noises. |
voicewind01L.ogg |
voicewind01L.WAV |
In Rune, this sound can be found in the snowy village (see 3:30:48). |
from voicewind02L.ogg to voicewind10L.ogg |
from voicewind02L.WAV to voicewind10L.WAV |
It is not certain if LOTL uses all of these sounds in this context, but they are all present in this cutscene's folder. |
(baked into the cutscene) |
machinedies01.WAV |
In Rune, this is a sound made by machinery during the later parts of the game (see 4:56:30) |
removeflesh.wav |
tubeamb03.WAV |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in Rune. |
(baked into the cutscene) |
fireignite09.WAV and torch01L.WAV |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in Rune. |
berzerkdeath01.wav bubbleswater10L.wav drip01L.wav drip02L.wav ravenfall.wav rock04.wav |
berzerkdeath01.WAV bubbleswater10L.WAV drip01L.WAV drip02L.WAV ragjump02.WAV rock04.WAV |
These are sound effects that were found in the files of both games, but their in-game usage is currently unknown (if any). |
Serious Sam: The First Encounter[]
Limbo of the Lost | Serious Sam | Notes |
RollingStone.wav and flute.wav |
RollingStone.wav and rolling_stone.wav |
In Serious Sam, it's the noise of the boulder hitting the ground AND the whistling, the latter being a reference to Indiana Jones. Originally found by MandaloreGaming. |
chimes.wav |
chimes.wav |
In Serious Sam, the sound plays when Sam picks up the artifact at the end of levels. |
Severance: Blade of Darkness[]
Limbo of the Lost | Blade of Darkness | Notes |
metal cut.wav |
golpe-metal-mediano.wav |
In Blade of Darkness, this is a collision sound effect of metal objects like shields. |
Demon-spirit1.wav |
Demon-spirit1.wav |
In LOTL, this sound is used for the idle sound of highlighting the Sense interaction in the Ouija Board. It is currently not known where this sound is used in Blade of Darkness. |
swoosh.wav |
new-combo.wav |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in Blade of Darkness. |
stone-slide-and-hit.wav |
stone-slide-and-hit.wav |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in Blade of Darkness. |
MINOTAURO-GRUŃIDO1.wav and fireclose.wav |
MINOTAURO-GRUNIDO1.wav and torch-burn.wav |
These are sound effects that were found in the files of both games, but their in-game usage is currently unknown (if any). |
Thief 1 (a.k.a. Thief: The Dark Project)[]
Limbo of the Lost | Thief 1 | Notes |
SELECT1.wav and SELECT2.wav |
select1.wav and select2.wav |
In both Thief 1 and 2, these sounds are used for pre-mission menus. |
skellyWAKEUP.wav and skellyMOAN.wav |
zm2att_5.wav and zm2att_9.wav |
In Thief, this is a sound zombies make. |
steambla.wav |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in Thief. |
from appa0__1.wav to appa0__6.wav |
from appa0__1.wav to appa0__6.wav |
These are sound effects that were found in the files of both games, but their in-game usage is currently unknown (if any). |
Thief 2: The Metal Age[]
Limbo of the Lost | Thief 2 | Notes |
METAL HIT.wav and METAL HIT2.wav |
glasbit3.wav |
It is currently not known where this sound is used in Thief 2. |
The Wheel of Time[]
Limbo of the Lost | Wheel of Time | Notes |
Thunder4.ogg, Thunder5.ogg, Thunder6.ogg, Thunder7.ogg and Thunder8.ogg |
Thunder1.wav, Thunder5.wav, Thunder6.wav, Thunder7.wav and Thunder8.wav |
These sounds effects, and many more, are present in the same folder as the attached video, but since there are a lot of competing noises in the cutscene, it's not 100% certain that it uses all of these. Oddly, Thunder1 was renamed to Thunder4, which does not exist within Wheel of Time's files. It should be noted that these are stock sound effects, and The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion uses at least some of these as well. |
Look1.wav |
Heard at 52:44 in this longplay. |
Creak2.wav |
Creak2.wav |
Heard at 1:49:29 in this longplay. |
metaldoorshut.ogg |
MtlShut10.wav |
Heard at 1:50:09 in this longplay. |
bubble1.wav |
bubble1.wav |
These are sound effects that were found in the files of both games, but their in-game usage is currently unknown (if any). |
Command & Conquer: Red Alert[]
Return of the Incredible Machine: Contraptions[]
Limbo of the Lost | Suspected Source | Notes |
cheer.wav |
Sounds_tbv-0000000110.wav |
The cheering during the ending of Chapters 3 and 5 appears to be made from at least one of the cheering sounds from "Return of the Incredible Machine: Contraptions" when you complete a level. However, as it appears to be a stock sound effect, it is uncertain if that's where the sound came from. |
Might & Magic VIII: Day of the Destroyer[]
Limbo of the Lost | Suspected Source | Notes |
FireBurst.wav |
Fire_elemental_attk.wav |
Appears to be a stock sound effect, making it uncertain if this is actually where the sound came from. |
Horse2.wav |
horse.wav |
Appears to be a stock sound effect, making it uncertain if this is actually where the sound came from. |
Sheep Raider[]
Limbo of the Lost | Suspected Source | Notes |
scifi06L.wav |
NA.wav |
Appears to be a stock sound effect, making it uncertain if this is actually where the sound came from. |
Unknown Source[]
All of these were found in the files of Limbo of the Lost, but their source remains unindentified. If you recognize any of these, please edit the notes on them.
Limbo of the Lost | Suspected Source | Notes |
Ahhh.wav | ||
BEAST.wav | ||
Boil.wav | ||
CAGECRASH.wav | ||
CageGearLoop.wav | ||
Closegate.wav | ||
CLOTHMOVE.wav | ||
CRASH.wav | ||
Creak_high.wav | ||
CreakingBuilding_amb.ogg | ||
Doorwoodknock01.wav | ||
DumbwaiterRide.wav | ||
Ectrochorus.wav | ||
Electroloop2.wav | ||
Evil.wav | ||
EvilGlass1.wav | ||
Exorcist.wav | ||
FLY.wav | ||
FLY2.wav | ||
Glassfly.wav | ||
Glassfly2.wav | ||
GrungersnoreL.wav | ||
Interior_Tone.wav | ||
LAVAPIT.wav | ||
Metalstepl.wav | ||
Metalstepr.wav | ||
OBJ_SLIDE.wav | ||
P1.wav | ||
Paper.wav | ||
PICKUP.wav | ||
PlatformLand.wav | ||
Raven.wav | ||
Rocket_plane_flyby1.wav This one is notable because there exists a sound effect in RTCW with the same filename, but for some reason it's completely different. | ||
Scream5.wav | ||
Scream6.wav | ||
Screen_nock1.wav | ||
Sewer_amb.ogg | ||
Shop_bell.wav | ||
Shoutin.wav | ||
SkellyMOVECHAIN01.wav | ||
SLIDE.wav | ||
SLIDING_bolt.wav | ||
SNIFF01.wav | ||
SNIFF02.wav | ||
SPIT.wav | ||
START.wav | ||
Takestone.wav | ||
Tapon.wav | ||
Thunderstorm.wav | ||
TRAINLOUD.wav | ||
Watergurgle.wav | ||
WHISTLE.wav | ||
Wooddoorshut.wav | ||
WOODSMASH.wav | ||
Wooshmovie.wav |