Limbo of the Lost Wiki

Music in Limbo of the Lost is one of the few things that are, for the most part, not plagiarized. There are, however, some individual pieces of music that are lifted from other places and/or potentially used without a license. They are limited primarily to promotional material.

Marko Hautamäki is credited as the composer of the background music heard throughout the game. The only exception to this is the main theme heard in the main menu, which was composed by Laurence Francis instead. It has been suggested that the main theme was taken from Hexen, but this has since been disproven.

Statements from Marko Hautamäki[]

Marko has gone on record in the Bethsoft forums as saying that he did NOT score the trailer or the Bonus DVD materials. Marko's quote follows:

QUOTE(Spudscooking @ Jun 19 2008, 09:26 PM) *

Would just like to ask, Marko, did you produce the music for this: The rumours in the comments are that the music is from a high quality soundtrack of Hexen.

Marko: No, that is not my music. I actually did score the clip you're seeing but Majestic decided to replace my music with the one you're hearing here.

Do you happen to have a link to the Hexen soundtrack?

In addition, Marko posted the following statement on Games Radar:

I did compose the music for DVD main feature (it can be found on YouTube) but at last minute Majestic Studios decided to replace my music with something that "would better appeal to younger audience", so what you hear in that YouTube clip is NOT my music. To my knowledge it was made by Lawrence Francis, the person who was credited for music in the game.

Clive Barker's Undying[]

The ominous chanting heard during LOTL's opening logos is lifted from Clive Barker's Undying; it's the "A02_MonPastTransition.wav" sound effect that plays when the time portal is activated.

The in-game opening logos.

Opening a time portal in CBU.


The music in the teaser comes from Rune's soundtrack; it's a track called "Ragnar's Theme".

LOTL teaser.



Ragnar's Theme.


RUNE Soundtrack - Ragnar's Theme

Carmina Burana[]


LIMBO OF THE LOST - behind the scenes

In the YouTube video on the right, user STEVEBOVIS posted a "behind the Scenes" trailer that contains music from two different sources. The first is a recording of Carmina Burana. It is unknown if Steve Bovis paid a licensing fee to use this recording of Carmina Burana. While the poetry used as lyrics in Carmina Burana is medieval and thus certainly public domain, Carl Orff's composition definitely falls under copyright; it was finished in 1936 and Orff died in 1982. Also, specific recordings of music do receive additional rights.

The second music in the video, heard during the end credits, is unidentified as of yet.