If you'd like to subject yourself to the Limbo of the Lost, but cannot figure out how to proceed, then this walkthrough should hopefully provide the necessary information in order to deal with the more obtuse puzzles.
General Hints[]
- By pressing T on your keyboard, you enable subtitles.
- Save regularly. The game has a habit of crashing on newer systems.
- You can save and load during cutscenes. This includes the logos at startup (like the G2Games screen).
- Out of the 4 possible interactions you get when right-clicking things, Sense is entirely useless.
- When using Look on an item in your inventory, you open its description. While on that screen, drag&drop items into the center to browse through them.
- You can use the scroll wheel on the inventory.
- DO NOT pause the game in the middle of the fade transition when moving from one room to another, because otherwise you might get softlocked.
Fixes for Crashes[]
The game is very crash-prone on newer systems. There are 3 known ways of addressing this issue:
- Crash Patch. (Alternative download: MyAbandonware)
- Playing the game on Windows 7 or older (or Linux). This can be achieved through a virtual machine; see here for a guide on how to set it up for this game.
- Playing the Russian version.
Windowed Mode[]
It is possible to make the game run in a window. To do this, first you need to add a file "wme.ini" to the game's installation folder, containing the following:
Then, in the game's installation folder, you should be able to open Settings.exe and checkmark "Run in window".
If for some reason using Settings.exe is not possible or doesn't work, then you will have to open Regedit, go to HKEY_CURRENT_User\LIMBO of the LOST\Video, and change Windowed to 1.
If you have the Crash Patch installed, then windowed mode is available in Settings.exe by default.
Prologue: The Dungeons[]
- Leave the cell and keep walking until you reach the skeleton cutscene.
- Turn right. You will meet Nilmates, a chatty zombie in a cage.
- After the conversation, take the damp torch from the floor.
- Continue walking down corridors until you reach a sign saying "SHHH! Grunger". Enter the room under the sign.
- After the conversation, take the empty flask from the floor.
- Return to the previous room, walk up the stairs, and enter Cranny's kitchen.
- After the conversation, walk right. You will enter a room with bookshelves. There's a jar on the table and a purple bottle on the floor. Take both.
- Combine the damp torch with the jar of human fat.
- Use the fat-covered torch on the flames under Cranny's cauldron.
- Walk past the bookshelves, up the stairs, and then go through the door. You will enter a room with two ropes.
- Burn both ropes with the torch.
- Leave the room and walk to the opposite side of the corridor. Walk through the door next to the "Beware: WATER" sign.
- After the brief cutscene, use the glass flask on the flowing water.
- Combine the water flask with the slimy worm (the one you received from Arach at the start of the Prologue). This creates tequila.
- Return to Nilmates. There should be a dismembered arm on the floor and a skull in the background. Take both.
- Note: If either the skull or the arm are missing, then you forgot to burn BOTH ropes at step 11.
- Return to Cranny. Give her the arm & the tequila, and then the skull.
- Note: The skull has to be last, since she won't take it until you give her the other two items.
- Return to Grunger's room. Aim the cursor at his face, and do Look.
- Use the purple bottle on Grunger's snot.
- Combine the snot bottle with the skull.
- Close the close-up of Grunger's face, and give the sleeping potion to Edd the Head.
- After the cutscene, return to Grunger and take his key.
- Return to the water fountain room. Go downwards.
- Use Grunger's key on the door.
Chapter I: The Lower Reaches[]
- Take the coffin lid.
- Walk through the door. After the conversation, take the chloroform.
- Note: You're allowed to carry only one of the 3 gifts at a time, but you can swap between them freely.
- Return to the previous room. Do Look on the coffin on the right. Take a bone from the corpse's abdomen.
- Do Look on the corpse's face. Take a glass eye from the seemingly empty eye socket.
- Close both screens. Do Look on the left coffin. There are multiple items in there; take the ship's wheel and the eyepatch. (The rest is useless.)
- Close the screen. Go left. Use the coffin lid on the rotten bridge.
- Keep walking until you reach a room with three gates and three dogs.
- Do Look on the grating on the floor. Take the metal bar in the middle.
- Use a bone on the bowl of the bottommost dog.
- Note: If you already gave it to a different dog, you can go back to grab another bone from the corpse.
- Return to the room with two coffins. Combine the metal bar with the ship's wheel, and then use that on the hole on the wall to the left of the gate. This opens the gate.
- Do Action on the stone coffin. This triggers a cutscene where you receive a soul bottle from Nilmates.
- Look at the right coffin and take another bone from the corpse. Close the screen.
- Return to the dogs and give the bone to the middle dog.
- Walk through the middle gate. Keep walking through corridors, talk to Arach, walk left, walk some more, and you will find a guy behind a window.
- After the conversation, give the guy his soul bottle ("An Ornate Vial"), which you previously received from Nilmates.
- Once the cutscene is over, take the glass jar from the table on the left and combine it with chloroform.
- Return to the room with the dogs and walk through the right gate. Keep walking through corridors until the intersection.
- (OPTIONAL) Walk left. You should meet the Guardian, a stone gargoyle on a pedestal. After the "conversation", use the Seal of Sufferance on him for a conversation explaining what is the deal with him and why you can't pass. Then return to the previous room.
- Walk right until a room with a human statue holding a trophy.
- Action the statue. Take the trophy from the floor.
- Walk through the door on the right and then go forward. You will enter Blackhawk's room.
- After the conversation, combine the eyepatch with the glass eye. Use that on the bird. Blackhawk will give you a bird cage.
- Return to the room with two coffins and take another bone.
- Go downwards and enter the gift shoppe. Take the bag of saffron.
- Go to the room that has the "do not feed the dogs" sign. Go downwards. You will enter a room with two urns.
- Aim the cursor at the top of the right urn and take some sawdust.
- Use the trophy on the left urn to fill it with oil. You need to aim at the TOP of the urn.
- Go to the dogs and use the bone on the remaining dog's bowl.
- Walk through the left gate. Walk through corridors, take the left path at the intersection, and then keep walking until you reach a room that is a dark stairway.
- Move Briggs as much as possible to the left and take the barely visible torn curtain from the wall on the far left.
- Continue walking down these corridors until you reach Bugsy's room.
- After the conversation, take the small bottle from the floor.
- Do Action on the tiny button above the sink. Once the sink is shown, quickly use the small bottle on the stream of water. If you're too slow and the sink turns off, you'll have to leave this screen and repeat the process.
- Combine the now water-filled glass bottle with the bag of saffron. This creates a bottle with green contents.
- Close the sink's screen. Use the jar that you previously filled with chloroform on the grub in the coffin.
- Walk out of the room and then keep going back until the intersection.
- Go right at the intersection, and continue until a room with "Beware Woodgator" sign.
- Use the oiled trophy on the tiny hole to the left of the chain. Action the chain.
- Combine the bird cage with sawdust. Put that inside the now opened cave.
- Note: The cage can be placed there even without the sawdust, but this won't do anything. The sawdust cannot be inserted into the cage while it's placed, so you'd have to pick it back up first.
- Once the Woodgator is inside the cage, use the torn curtain on him. Then take the cage.
- Return to the dogs. Walk through the middle gate and go to O'Negus's room.
- Look at the soul cabinet. Replace the Soul of the Warrior with the green bottle you previously created.
- Return to the dogs. Walk through the right gate. Keep walking until an intersection, then go left. You should meet the Guardian, a stone gargoyle on a pedestal.
- After the "conversation", use the Soul of a Warrior on him to get past him.
- You will enter the Arena of Pain. Do Look on the orb on the left.
- Do you remember the grub that you put inside the chloroformed jar? Use it on the orb.
- After the cutscene, take the spear from the same screen.
- Close the screen. Do Look on the grub on the floor. After the cutscene, use the jar on the fly.
- Return to the dogs. Walk through the middle gate. Continue until the intersection with Arach.
- Give Arach the jar with the fly. You will get his fingernail.
- Use Arach's fingernail on the door to the right. You will enter a room with several doors.
- Use the Woodgator on the wooden door.
- Do Action on the button behind the wooden door. This opens the rightmost door.
- Use the spear on the closed door, then do Action on the opened door. This opens the leftmost door.
- Walk through the leftmost door.
Chapter II: The Sewers[]
- Talk to the Keeper of Lost Souls. After the conversation, go right, then forward, and step onto an elevator.
- Go downwards to enter a swamp. Keep walking left until reaching Quagmire, a.k.a. the chained prisoner.
- After the "conversation", use Arach's fingernail on Quagmire.
- Note: If the inventory appears empty, keep clicking left until you see your items.
- After another conversation, take the jaw clamp.
- Go downwards twice, then forward. You will meet Nilmates and receive a rusty dagger.
- Return to Quagmire, then keep going right until you return to the room from which you entered the swamp. Go through the doorway on the right.
- You should be in a room with three vents. Look at the first vent. There are buttons that go clockwise from zero to 14, with zero being at the top. Click 1 and 3 to open the vent.
- Note: Why is this the answer to "the opposite of 6 with 3"? Because on a dice, the opposite of 6 is 1...
- Enter the now open vent. Walk left, then down the corridors until a sign saying "Office of Woe".
- Go left and knock on the door. After the conversation, action the jaw clamp and then use it on the Worrymeister.
- Note: Worrymeister is supposed to kick you out if you move anywhere in his office, but due to a bug, this doesn't work until you re-enter the office at least once.
- Do Action on the desk drawer. Take the pen and the ink pot. Close the screen and then combine both.
- Return to the "Office of Woe" sign. Go downwards.
- Keep walking through rooms until you enter an armory. Take the hammer from the floor.
- Go back one screen, to the room with the horse picture on the wall. Commit pixel hunt on the table on the right, and take a piece of wood.
- Use rusty dagger on the piece of wood. This creates a flute.
- Return to the sign "Office of Woe". Go right, and keep going through corridors and to the right until you reach a locked gate with a sign that says "Pump Room".
- Go downwards twice. You will see a water monster.
- Before the monster disappears, use the pen on him. If he does disappear, you will have to re-enter the room to try again. Doing this successfully will give you a pen nib.
- After the cutscene, move Briggs out of the way and take the easily missable key from the floor.
- Go all the way back to Quagmire. Use the pen nib on him.
- After the conversation, return to the room with the three vents.
- Look at the second vent. If you haven't pressed anything yet, pressing zero will open it. Otherwise, click 1 and THEN zero.
- Note: Why is that the answer to "When you add it all up, it's the only way to go"? The world may never know.
- Enter the now open vent. Keep walking downwards until you find a drunk man at a desk.
- Take the glass bottle from the floor.
- Walk downwards. Take the metal cutters from the table.
- Go through the door hidden in the background, on the left. You will enter a bar. Use the glass bottle on the barrels on the left.
- Return to the drunk man, then go right, left, and right. You will meet Nora Ratty.
- After the conversation, enter her room again. Briggs will give her the bottle.
- Return to Quagmire. Use the metal cutters on him. He will give you a circular device, and kick his metal ball somewhere else.
- Return to the three vents. Use the circular device on the third vent.
- Do Action on the flute in the inventory (you should have carved it out earlier at step 14). A rat will move the metal ball elsewhere.
- After the cutscene, go through the first vent. Keep walking right until a closed door with the sign "Pump Room".
- Use the key on the door and enter the pump room. The metal ball should be in the background.
- Use the hammer on the valve. This will push the metal ball elsewhere.
- Return to the three vents. Enter the second vent and walk downwards.
- You should be in the room next to Nora Ratty. The metal ball should be on the floor.
- Do Action on the flute. A rat will move the ball again.
- Go to the drunk man. Do Action on the chain to the right of him, and then on the switch on his desk.
- Go right twice. Click the boat.
Chapter III: Darkmere[]
WARNING: In this Chapter, there are a lot of items to pick up, and you have to pick up ALL of them in order for the final cutscene to trigger. If you miss any, you may be forced to spend a lot of time backtracking just to find them.
- After the cutscenes, move Briggs out of the way and take the chain from the ground.
- Note: This location is called "Cutter's Alley" on the map, in case you missed the chain and need to come back.
- Walk forward. You will meet a blind beggar.
- (OPTIONAL) You can repeatedly give coins to the beggar for some conversations that explain this Chapter.
- Walk forward and enter the Inn of Sin. After the conversation, keep walking through rooms until you meet a drunk man. After a cutscene, you'll end up in prison.
- (OPTIONAL) You can do Look on the hole in the wall on the right for a conversation with Nilmates.
- Take the cup from the bed, and use it on the door.
- The Jailor will give you your last meal. Use it on the window on the right.
- After the cutscenes, walk downwards. You will open a map. Go to Bric-a-Brac, and enter the building.
- After the conversation, take the charcoal from the table on the right.
- Return to the map. Go to the Stables. Aim the cursor at the symbol on the door, and click on it.
- Use the charcoal on the symbol's close-up.
- Return to the map. Go to the Cobbler and enter the building. After the conversation, give the guy the etching of the symbol from the Stables.
- After the cutscene, go to the Blacksmith and enter the building.
- After the cutscene, return to the map. Go to the Pie Shoppe and enter the building.
- After the cutscene, return to the map. Go to the Pawn Shoppe and enter the building.
- After the cutscene, take the snowball note that landed on the floor.
- Return to the map. Go to the Town Hall, enter the building and walk up the balcony.
- After the cutscene, return to the map. Go to the Society Hall & Hospice.
- After the cutscene, go to the Society Hall & Hospice again. Take both items lying on the floor.
- Return to the map. Go to the Blacksmith.
- After the cutscene, return to the map. Go to the Mystic Cottage and enter the building.
- After the cutscene, go to the Inn of Sin. Use the Key I on one of the doors.
- Note: All of these keys have letters on them, corresponding to the buildings they open.
- Commit pixel hunt on the innkeeper's counter, specifically on its bottom right corner. There is a spot that allows you to enter a dungeon through a trapdoor, which is supposedly behind the counter. The cursor will point downwards when you aim at the right spot.
- After entering the dungeon, take the keys from the wall.
- Walk right, through a door and then a corridor, and to the left.
- Note: You can ignore the cell door, it only contains an optional object to click on.
- Take the sack from the floor, THEN the clothes from the door.
- Do Look on the cabinet on the wall. Remember the keys that you previously removed from a wall? Use them on the ones in the cabinet.
- Go through the door. Commit pixel hunt on the floor to take the matchstick.
- Take the candle and the scroll from the desk.
- Return to the map. To do this, you need to leave the Inn of Sin, go back to the area with the horse statue, go through the arch on the right, and up the stairs in the background.
- Go to the Pawn Shoppe and use the Key O on the door.
- Note: Why an O? Because it's O'Negus's Pawn Shoppe...
- Take the glasses and the box from the counter.
- Return to the map. Go to the Bric-a-Brac and enter the building.
- After the cutscene, enter the building again and take the key from the floor.
- Return to the map. Go to the Abattoir and use the Key A on the door.
- Take the key from the floor.
- Return to the map. Go to the Stables and take all items that are on the floor.
- Open the door with Key S.
- After the cutscene, go through the door again. Do Action on the tiny button on the wall next to the door in the background.
- Return to the map. Go to the Dead End and walk forward.
- Do Action on the buttons on the wall. The order is: LEFT, RIGHT, CENTER.
- You will enter an area with a building. Use Key C on the door.
- If you did everything correctly, then congratulations, you can now sit through 12 minutes of cutscenes. However, if the cutscene of Briggs reporting to the Jailor is not starting, then it means you missed some items. You need to track those items down, pick them up, and then do Look on the journal in the inventory.
Chapter IV: The Machine[]
WARNING: This is the most buggy Chapter in the game. Make sure to save at the start of it. Also, this is the only Chapter where certain items are impossible to pick up until you progress far enough.
- Take the map from the wall on the right (it blends with the color of the wall).
- Walk left to the next room and take the wires from the floor.
- Return to the previous room. Do Look on the fuse box on the wall.
- Open inventory, keep clicking left until you see your items, and use the wire on the fuse box.
- Note: You need to aim at the spot that shows the name "Cut Cuircuit", it's near the green bulbs.
- Close the screen. Walk left and continue until the train. Enter it.
- You will see a map. Go to the Design. Keep walking until you meet the Janitor.
- WARNING: At the end of the Janitor cutscene, Briggs is supposed to automatically leave the room. Do not click anything while this is happening, otherwise the cutscene will break and potentially softlock you.
- After the cutscene, return to the train. On the map, go to the Tower 3.
- Right after leaving the train, take the metal bar from the floor next to the bench (it's in complete darkness).
- Return to the map. Go to the Fuel. Keep walking until a room with a smoking hole in the center.
- Take the skull from the floor.
- Return to the map. Go to the Tower 5. Keep walking until you see two electric towers.
- Move Briggs out of the way and take the metal tongs from the floor.
- Return to the map. Go to the Broken Track, which is the X between T-Key and Tower 5.
- Combine the skull with the metal tongs, and then the metal bar with the golden teeth. Use that on the gap in the tracks.
- Return to Janitor at the Design.
- WARNING: If Briggs refuses to enter Janitor's room despite fixing the tracks, then it means you got softlocked. This is either due to fixing the tracks before Janitor asked you to, or due to the bug at step 6.
- After the conversation, go to the train. This will trigger a cutscene.
- Note: The cutscene may not display correctly, but this doesn't break anything.
- After the cutscene, return to Janitor again.
- After another cutscene, take the cables from the wall.
- Return to the map. Go to the Tower 4. Keep walking until a room with a chain fence on the right.
- Take the hinge pin from the floor under the chain fence.
- Return to the map. Go to the Parts. Keep walking until a big empty room.
- Take the metal plate from the floor. It's in the corner on the bottom left, in complete darkness.
- Return to the map. Go to the Heart. Keep walking until you meet the Janitor.
- Give Janitor the cables, the hinge pin, and the metal plate.
- After the cutscene, enter the platform in the center.
Chapter V: The Citadel[]
- Take the door knocker from the floor near the crates on the right.
- Go inside the building. You will enter a room with statues in the center. That room has 5 possible directions (plus also downwards, which takes you back outside). 4 of those directions will take you to doors with gargoyle heads on them. The 5th direction, entered through the doorway in the background on the right, will take you to a different room. Go there.
- You should enter a room with 4 seals/emblems on the walls. Take all of them.
- Walk downwards. Take a door knocker from the gap in the floor.
- Walk forward. Take a candle from the wall on the right.
- Return to the statue room. Use the candle on the 4 seals you picked up. This creates wax seals.
- Do Look on the base of the statue. Insert Famine seal into slot 1, War into 2, Pestilence into 3, and Death into 4.
- Note: A special sound is played upon inserting all of the seals correctly.
- Return to the room where you got the seals. Go downwards, then forward twice.
- At the intersection, turn right.
- Note: If you were to go left, you'd find a note with the solution to the wax seals puzzle.
- You should be in a room with 4 doorways. Take the door knocker from the floor.
- Go into each of the 4 doorways/archways, and take a door knocker from each of the rooms.
- Note: If the doors are closed, then you didn't insert the seals correctly at step 7.
- Return to the statue room. You will now have to go to the 4 rooms with gargoyle heads, and put all 7 door knockers on the corresponding doors (after doing Look on the doors).
- VERY IMPORTANT: Before you insert the final door knocker, make sure to save!
- Also, DO NOT insert the Envy door knocker last, because this will softlock the cutscene!
- Once you insert the final door knocker, a cutscene begins. After the cutscene, you need to do the following steps without making too many incorrect moves (such as entering a wrong room) or else you'll get a game over. The game makes it look like you have a time limit, but you can actually take as long as you want between moves.
- Return to the statue room. The 4 directions now lead to open doors, behind which there are rooms with a pedestal in the center. Clicking on such a pedestal shows a metal plate, which can be clicked. You will need to go to all 7 rooms and click all of the metal plates - in a specific order.
- The correct order is:
- Pride (top right room)
- Sloth (top left)
- Lust (top right)
- Envy (top left)
- Greed (bottom left)
- Gluttony (bottom left)
- Wrath (bottom right)
- After all plates are clicked, letters are revealed. Return to the statue room.
- Once the portal opens, enter it.
- Ouija Board will open. Type out DESTINY on it.