Limbo of the Lost Wiki

Dungeon Master 3D was another project started by Steve Bovis, the lead designer of LOTL, in 2004. It was intended to be "A remake of the venerable Dungeon Master with lots of new things, including the eye candy."

Background and legal issues[]

It is unknown whether Bovis had legal right to use the Dungeon Master license. Dungeon Master was both developed and published by FTL Games in 1987. FTL Games ceased operations in 1996, and the exact financial circumstances of its demise are difficult to find, but it is likely that the Dungeon Master license would still be owned by the principals of FTL Games or whomever purchased their assets.

Forum posting by Steve Bovis threatening legal action against another Dungeon Master remake... for copyright violation. Later on in the same thread he states "Copyright theft is NOT a game."

There was an article and gallery related to this project on RPGcodex. The project also had its own homepage. Highlights:

  • The tagline "FORGET REALITY SURRENDER TO YOUR DARKEST DREAMS" at about 2/3rds down the page. This tagline is shared by LOTL.
  • Credits:
    • Project Director / Lead Artist..........................Steve Bovis
    • Lead Programmer / Systems Designer...........??? Please Apply.
    • DTP / Contract & Media Manager....................Lisa Highsted
  • There is a lengthy description of the proposed "Prologue" cinematic. Excerpt: "AAAAAAGGGGHHH!!!", Theron screams as he holds his arms up in defence.

Limbo of the Lost Connection[]

This project is of note to the LOTL research community since not only was the project lead the same person, but the screenshots for the game appear to use art that was also used in LOTL. The particular art elements that the two games share have not yet been confirmed to have been plagiarized, however, except for the Neverwinter Nights example seen below.

In the images below, you can see that the same skulls are being used. No source has been found for these skulls as of yet.

Limbo of the Lost
Dungeon Master 3D

Neverwinter Nights plagiarism?[]

It has been observed that the knight featured in one of the screenshots is almost identical to the model of the Iron Golem from Neverwinter Nights:

Neverwinter Nights
Neverwinter nights 1 iron golem
Dungeon Master 3D

