Limbo of the Lost Wiki

Limbo of the Lost is a 2D point-and-click adventure game. It consists of an animated 2D character moving over a 2D background.

Most, if not all of these backgrounds appear to have been taken from other commercial games. It is a misapprehension by some that LotL contains realtime 3D art and that the plagiarism in question could be explained in the same way that the Stalker plagiarism scandal was resolved. This is not the case. All of the background in LotL are static images. Thus, all that the artist needed to do to create them from another game's assets was to play the game and take a screenshot, then manipulate that screenshot in Photoshop as necessary.

Some backgrounds contain assets from more than one game. The screenshots below are listed by the game from which the original art appears to have been taken. If a screenshot contains art from more than one source, it is noted.

Diablo II[]

Many backgrounds in LotL contain small images that have been pasted on in an image editing program to make the screenshots look more macabre..

Limbo of the Lost Diablo II Notes

141 three doors

Walloftheeyeless Wall of the Eyeless is a shield item from Diablo II.
Snap14 Invfhlu Full Helm used for uniques in Diablo II can be seen in the screenshot on the right of the character, although somewhat vertically compressed. Not to miss the Elder Scrolls armor and weapons on the back wall.
728 clothes Invmbt Chain/Mesh/Boneweave Boots from Diablo II which can be seen in the screenshot on the right, darkened.

Baldur's Gate[]

Limbo of the Lost Baldur's Gate Notes
728 clothes Icon The Spirit's Shield This background contains an icon of Cloak of Protection +2 from Baldur's Gate.


Limbo of the Lost Enclave Notes
LIMBO-of-the-LOST-2008-06-4 Enclave-2008-06-27-20-59-53
LIMBO-of-the-LOST-2008-06-2 Enclave-2008-06-27-21-03-09
49 kitchen door Enclave-2008-06-28-14-46-38
50 granny Enclave-2008-06-28-14-42-08
85 Exit right Enclave-2008-06-28-14-27-40
LIMBO-of-the-LOST-2008-06-5 Enclave-2008-06-28-14-25-46
69 Popeyesings Enclave-2008-06-28-14-29-46 Mirrored image
42 shh Grunger Enclave-2008-06-28-15-28-46
43 Grunger Enclave-2008-06-28-15-32-18
LIMBO-of-the-LOST-2008-06-1 Enclave-2008-06-28-15-29-35

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind[]

Limbo of the Lost Morrowind Notes
Snap14 MWstuff This background contains elements from the Orcish Armor set in Morrowind, plus a recoloured glass staff, a recolored daedric shortsword and a Nordic battle axe.

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion[]

Limbo of the Lost Oblivion Notes
0002432 0002433

Castle Skingrad. Note, however, since the programmer of LotL wanted the torches to be animated, he clone-stamped out the fires from Oblivion and superimposed a fire gif.

LotlBonus-31 Oblivion-CastleSkingradDungeon Dungeon, Skingrad Castle
Oblivion-CloudRulerTempleGreatHall-Orig Oblivion-CloudRulerTempleGreatHall Cloud Ruler Temple Great Hall
Limbo2copy1 Oblivion2copy1 Fighter's Guild, Anvil
LotlBonus-36 Castle Anvil - Smithy Smithy, Castle Anvil
Limbo1-limbo Limbo1-oblivion First Edition, Imperial City
LotlBonus-50 Oblivion-ImperialCityStables Chestnut Handy Stables, Imperial City
LotlBonus-41 Office of Imperial Commerce - IC Market District Office of Imperial Commerce, Imperial City
Limbo5copy Oblivion5copy Three Sisters' Inn, Leyawiin
LotlBonus-28 5 Claws Lodge - Leyawiin Five Claws Lodge, Leyawiin
LotlBonus-29 Oblivion - Leyawiin - Five Claws Lodge 01 Five Claws Lodge, Leyawiin
LotlBonus-30 Oblivion - Leyawiin - Five Claws Lodge 02 Five Claws Lodge, Leyawiin
Oblivion-BrumaCastleLordsManor-Orig Oblivion-BrumaCastleLordsManor Lord's Manor, Bruma Castle
LotlBonus-35 The Fair Deal - Bravil The Fair Deal, Bravil
701 foxy Oblivion-BravilStables Bravil Stables
LotlBonus-38 Oblivion-BravilCastleServantsQuarters Servants' Quarters, Bravil Castle
Oblivion-BravilCastleDungeon-Orig Oblivion-BravilCastleDungeon Dungeon, Bravil Castle
LotlBonus-46 Oblivion-BravilWizardsGrotto1 Wizard's Grotto, Bravil
LotlBonus-47 Oblivion-BravilWizardsGrotto3 Wizard's Grotto, Bravil
LotlBonus-48 Oblivion-BravilWizardsGrotto2 Wizard's Grotto, Bravil
Oblivion-BravilWizardsGrotto4-Orig Oblivion-BravilWizardsGrotto4 Wizard's Grotto, Bravil
Oblivion-BravilWizardsGrotto5-Orig Oblivion-BravilWizardsGrotto5 Wizard's Grotto, Bravil (this room is used twice, the second time is mirrored)

Return to Castle Wolfenstein[]

Limbo of the Lost Return to Castle Wolfenstein Notes
932503 20080507 screen009 Lol
Firstsceance Lol1
40 ill lit WolfSP-2008-06-29-10-18-09-
23 corridor7 WolfSP-2008-06-29-10-38-40-
22 corridor6 WolfSP-2008-06-29-10-55-19-
76 chaos WolfSP-2008-06-29-10-53-59-
24 corridor8 WolfSP-2008-06-29-10-30-34-
26 urdur Rtcw church 1
19 corridor4 Rtcw church 3
21 corridor5 Rtcw church 2

Thief: Deadly Shadows (a.k.a. Thief III)[]

Limbo of the Lost Thief III Notes
Limbo2-limbo Limbo2-thief Keeper Library
LotlBonus-11 T3-KeeperLibrary1 Keeper Library
380 bedroomofDEATH T3-KeeperLibrary2 Keeper Library
LotlBonus-21 T3-KeeperLibrary3 Keeper Library, Orland's Office
Limboofthelost200805301mw8 Thief A back alley in Stonemarket Plaza
113 Door number 1 T3-Shop Shop in Stonemarket Proper
LotlBonus-20 T3-Docks Docks
LotlBonus-26 TDS-Docks-Tavern Tavern in Docks
LotlBonus-22 T3-PavelockPrison Pavelock Prison
LotlBonus-24 T3-OverlookMansion1 Overlook Mansion
367 worries T3-OverlookMansion2 Overlook Mansion
LotlBonus-25 TDS-Old Quarter Fence Ramien's place in Old Quarter
LOTL-KeeperOfLostSoulsRoom Thief3Catacombs Catacombs under Fort Ironwood in Old Quarter

Unreal Tournament 2004[]

Limbo of the Lost Unreal Tournament Notes
Snap2 UT2004-6-12-2008-DM-Helmzde DM-Helmzdeep
Snap3 UT2004-6-12-2008-DM-Helmzd1 DM-Helmzdeep
Snap15 UT20042008-06-1202-29-25-76 ONS-Urban and AS-FallenCity (some assets match up, but not the overall layout; further investigation needed)
Snap17 UT2004-6-12-2008-Aristocra1 DM-Aristocracy
LotlBonus-27 Shot00002 DM-Aristocracy
LotlBonus-32 Shot00010 DM-Aristocracy
LotlBonus-33 Shot00009 DM-Aristocracy
LotlBonus-51 Shot00011 DM-Aristocracy
LotlBonus-34 Shot00007 DM-Aristocracy
LotlBonus-37 Shot00008 DM-Aristocracy
LotlBonus-39 Shot00004 DM-Aristocracy
LotlBonus-40 Shot00012 DM-Aristocracy
LotlBonus-43 Shot00006 DM-Aristocracy


Shot00003 DM-Aristocracy
463 welcome Shot00016 DM-Aristocracy
474 pixelbitchyegods Shot00017 DM-Aristocracy
LotlBonus-53 Shot00018 DM-Aristocracy
LotlBonus-14 Dmpurisma1ch7 DM-Purisma
LotlBonus-15 Dmpurisma2nh2 DM-Purisma
Limboofthelost200805301dl1 Dmpurisma3ec6 DM-Purisma
310 flying Shot00013 DM-Purisma
314 exit Shot00014 DM-Purisma
401 sewer down Shot00015 DM-Purisma
LotlBonus-64 Shot00487 DM-1on1-Zoetic
LotlBonus-65 Shot00488 DM-Asbestos

Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines[]

Limbo of the Lost Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines Notes
S29203 pc 76 Bloodlines la plaguebearer sewer This, and all of the screenshots below, are from the Plaguebearer sewer map. (la_plaguebearer_sewer_1)
351 sewer1 Vtm-waterroom5
353 sewer3 Vtm-waterroom2
354 sewer4a Vtm-waterroom6
LOTL-Waterroom3 Vtm-waterroom3
LOTL-waterroom7 Vtm-waterroom7


Painkiller Black Edition[]

Limbo of the Lost Painkiller Notes
141 three doors 141 three doorssource C1L2_Atrium_Complex
290 doors of destiny 290 doors of destinysource C1L2_Atrium_Complex
932503 20080514 screen015 Pnklr-20080612-031757 C1L3_Catacombs
LOTL-CatacombsBridge Painkiller-CatacombsBridge C1L3_Catacombs
LotlBonus-4 LotlBonus-4source C1L3_Catacombs
LOTL-DeadmansDrop Painkiller-DeadmansDrop C1L3_Catacombs
LOTL-WoodgatorCave Painkiller-WoodgatorCave C1L3_Catacombs
Snap12 Pnklr-20080612-080825 C1L3_Catacombs
LotlBonus-9 LotlBonus-9source C1L3_Catacombs
403 boat 403 boatsource C2L1_Bridge
LotlBonus-52 LotlBonus-52source C2L2_Prison
LotlBonus-54 LotlBonus-54source C2L2_Prison
163 branch1 163 branch1source C2L5_Town
LOTL-WoodgatorHallway Painkiller-WoodgatorHallway C2L5_Town
LOTL-GreySwamp Painkiller-GreySwamp C2L6_Swamp
400 sewer again 400 sewer againsource C3L1_Train_Station
417 bottoms up 417 bottoms upsource C3L1_Train_Station
LOTL-TrainStation Painkiller-TrainStation C3L1_Train_Station
LOTL-Swamp1 Painkiller-Swamp1 C3L6_Forest
LotlBonus-63 LotlBonus-63source C5L2_Docks
LOTL-Swamp2 Painkiller-Swamp2 C6L1_Orphanage
LOTL-Swamp3 Painkiller-Swamp3 C6L1_Orphanage
LOTL-Swamp4 Painkiller-Swamp4 C6L1_Orphanage
LOTL-Swamp5 Painkiller-Swamp5 C6L1_Orphanage
LOTL-Swamp6 Painkiller-Swamp6 C6L1_Orphanage
LOTL-Colloseum1 Painkiller-Colloseum1 C6L6_Colloseum
LOTL-Colloseum2 Painkiller-Colloseum2 C6L6_Colloseum
LOTL-Colloseum3 Painkiller-Colloseum3 C6L6_Colloseum
LOTL-Colloseum4 Painkiller-Colloseum4 C6L6_Colloseum
LOTL-Colloseum5 Painkiller-Colloseum5 C6L6_Colloseum
LOTL-Colloseum6 Painkiller-Colloseum6 C6L6_Colloseum
LOTL-Fallen1 Painkiller Fallen1 DM_Fallen1
LOTL-Fallen2 Painkiller Fallen2 DM_Fallen1
LOTL-Fallen3 Painkiller Fallen3 DM_Fallen2
LOTL-Fallen4 Painkiller Fallen4 DM_Fallen2
LOTL-Fallen5 Painkiller Fallen5 DM_Fallen2
LOTL-Fallen6 Painkiller Fallen6 DM_Fallen2
LOTL-Fallen7 Painkiller Fallen7 DM_Fallen2 - This doorway was edited into the room above.
LOTL-Iluminati Painkiller Illuminati DM_Illuminati
LOTL-Mine Painkiller Mine DM_Mine

Weta Collectibles[]

Limbo of the Lost Weta Collectible Notes
Snap2 Wraith-front-full This background contains an image of the Weta Collectible Ringwraith bust from Peter Jackson's Lord of the Rings movies.

Licensable Assets[]

Limbo of the Lost DAZ Productions Notes
Limbo of the Lost - Sin Room DAZ Productions - The Pendulum This background is comprised almost entirely of a single licensable asset from DAZ Productions


Steammech This background image uses another licensable asset from DAZ Productions: a Steampunk robot, which is also used in one of the cutscenes for the game.


Limbo of the Lost Actual Image Notes
380 bedroomofDEATH SkeletonOnHorse This background image contains a picture of a skeleton riding a horse. Source unknown.


The following images are all taken from the bonus DVD or the game itself and are awaiting research into their origins. For anyone looking for additional images, this thread at has zillions.

Most of these images are suspected to originate from UT2k4, map name unknown. Some feel like Knights of the Temple. Further investigation needed.

These images are suspected to originate from UT2k4. They use assets from ONS-Urban but in a configuration not visible in the map.